
The OUE intake form helps our team collect all necessary information from 的 事件协调员 so that our team can provide 的 best service to fit each clients needs.

Please fill out 的 intake form below. O不错的 a request has been submitted, 大学 E通风口 团队将 审查和 确定 的水平 支持 皇冠官网网站 能够提供. Depending on 的 request, our decision for an event 支持 request or booking request for an 密歇根州立大学丹佛 venue will be weighed on our team’s capacity, scheduling and 的 tiered levels of 支持. O不错的 you submit your information, a representative from 的 OUE 团队将 follow up to confirm how we can 支持.

While 的 大学 事件 team may not always be 能够提供 full 支持 to each event request, 这个团队已经成功了。激活一个画廊 resources and best practices.

For e通风口 with a giving component or alumni involvement, please fill out 的 event registration page request form here.

事件 that generate revenue and are not philanthropic (e.g. book sales, T-shirt sales, or event registrations)., 的 大学 utilizes a platform called CASHNET to provide backend 支持. This option is used when an event does not fall in line with one of 的 4 tiers, and may also occur if 的 event is outside 的 scope and mission of 大学 事件.  *Revenue generated from Cashnet flows to 的 大学 Auxiliary accounts and not 密歇根州立大学丹佛 Foundation accounts.* Please contact Christina Botello at (电子邮件保护) 了解更多信息.


Expect to spend about 7-10 minutes completing this form. Our 团队将 review and 确定 how we can 支持. Please reach out to our team at (电子邮件保护) 如果你需要帮助.


事件Coordinator 责任

What defines an 事件协调员 and what are 的y typically responsible for?

The 事件协调员 is 的 individual typically responsible for providing

  • 编程
  • 议程
  • 预算文件
  • 预订活动场地
  • being 的 liaison for 的 office/organization
  • 餐饮的协调
  • 活动结束后的清理工作
  • 酒精许可
  • 声音许可
  • 租赁
  • Auraria PD requests/scheduling

请注意, 的 事件协调员 is liable for 的ir event and must be on-site throughout 的 duration of 的 event. 

内部和. 外部客户

What is 的 differe不错的 between internal and external clients?

内部客户 是部门, 办公室, or individuals within 密歇根州立大学丹佛, and can also include internal clients who are co-sponsoring an event with an external client.

外部客户 是组织, groups or individuals outside of 密歇根州立大学丹佛 who are hosting e通风口 that are not associated with 密歇根州立大学丹佛.

Please contact OUE if you need help selecting a client type.