




密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的BFA in Music 剧院 is an intensive pre-professional program. 音乐剧提供了丰富的表演机会. These experiences are provided both in class 和 onstage as well as through on-campus productions, 在当地剧院实习.


Taught by veteran teachers who are also theatre 和 performance professionals, you will receive the kind of mentoring you need to make your way as an actor, as well as discover ways to use your 剧院 training in other fields.





嘉莉·科尔顿(她/他们)是个演员, 导演, 编排, 来自盐湖城的音乐家, 犹他州. They hold a BFA in Classical Acting from Southern 犹他州 University 和 an MFA in Directing/Choreography from Florida State University.

As an actor, Carrie has performed in two international tours: 窈窕淑女 (伊丽莎)和 安妮 (Miss Hannigan), as well as several regional theatres around the country. Some of her favorite directing/choreography credits include 头发定型剂 与香港融合学院合作, 彼得·潘 杰克逊维尔歌剧院, 第十二夜 北达科他州莎士比亚节, 《皇冠体育官网》 还有国王家族的莎士比亚节 海绿 与烛光,和 玛蒂尔达 与市政厅艺术中心. Carrie is a certified stage combat teacher through Dueling Arts International 和 holds additional certificates in clowning (LA School of Clowning) 和 Intimacy Direction (Theatrical Intimacy Education). She is a True West Award-winning Choreographer 和 also won the American Prize for best direction for her devised piece 《身份:起源故事. 

Carrie is currently the Artistic Director at Rocky Mountain 剧院 for Kids 和 the Actors Academy where she has directed/choreographed Godspell, Pippin, 彼得·潘, 玛蒂尔达, 还有一些设计的作品. 她在Metro担任导演/编舞 The Servant of Two Masters, Macbeth, Pippin, Bright Star, 和 加略人犹大的末日. She is also the coordinator of the BFA in Music 剧院 program 和 advises FOUND 剧院 和 the Stage Combat club. 


英斯达/ Tiktok: carrie_ography.


These are some of the opportunities you might have as an 密歇根州立大学丹佛 Bachelor of Fine Arts in 剧院 with a concentration in Music 剧院:

在校园的剧场区表演. 在当地戏剧公司完成实习. 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的B.F.A. in 剧院 degree program will help you develop artistically 和 professionally in class 和 beyond through the following:

  • 一年四部密西根州立大学丹佛分校的主要作品, including two musicals mounted in collaboration with the 密歇根州立大学丹佛 Music Department. All 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students are welcome to audition 和 it is required by all Music 剧院 Majors
  • Local, regional 和 national conferences for theatre 和 performing arts students
  • 北京戏剧学院学生音乐评论作品展
  • 16 Student-directed One Acts each semester with auditions open to both students 和 community members
  • Required internship at places such as the 丹佛 Center for the Performing Arts, 阿瓦达艺术与人文中心, 克里德话剧团, 好奇剧团, 微光玻璃歌剧, Rocky Mountain 剧院 For Kids (RMTK) 和 The Actors Academy for The Performing Arts (AAPA)
  • Weekly rehearsals 和 coaching with BFA Coordinator 和 accompanying pianist


As a 剧院 major you will perform in the King Center performing arts complex, one of the country’s most adaptive 和 accessible performance venues

Plus you will have easy access to 丹佛’s performing arts community. The 密歇根州立大学丹佛 campus is located just walking distance from the 丹佛 Center for the Performing Arts Complex, 布尔剧院在哪里, 艾丽·考尔金斯歌剧院, the Helen Bonfils 剧院 Complex 和 Boettcher Concert Hall.


The Department of 剧院 at 密歇根州立大学丹佛 is accredited by the National Association of Schools of 剧院, the national accrediting agency for theatre 和 theatre-related disciplines. 科罗拉多州只有两所大学享有这一殊荣.

