New TEMPORARY Location for the Bookhardt Family Speech-Language Clinic

从2024年3月11日开始,您的课程将在约旦学生成功大楼(JSSB) 306或Tivoli (TV) 310. Questions? Contact (电子邮件保护) 或致电303-605-5042.

Click here for a video description of our new TEMPORARY locations

About the Bookhardt Family Speech-Language Clinic

丹佛密歇根州立大学的布克哈特家庭言语语言诊所是该校言语语言病理学研究生课程的重要组成部分.  In our clinic, 研究生在有执照和认证的语言病理学家(slp)的直接监督和指导下提供服务。.  皇冠官网网站的诊所是开放的Auraria校园和更大的丹佛社区的成员,并服务于所有年龄的个人.  皇冠官网网站所有的服务都是英文的, Spanish, or through a bilingual approach using English and Spanish simultaneously.  

Our on-campus clinic is located on the first floor of the Central Classroom Building. The Auraria Campus is just west of Speer Blvd and downtown Denver. 

服务是免费提供的. 皇冠官网网站的目标是扩大获得服务的机会,减少大丹佛社区的健康差距.  If possible, 皇冠官网网站鼓励您通过指定礼物给语言诊所来支持语言诊所和皇冠官网网站研究生的教育 here.  

Visit our Bookings Page 安排一次与皇冠官网网站的认证语言病理学家的面谈. 


Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU Denver, the University) is committed to maintaining environments that are welcoming, safe, and accessible, 所有的学生, staff, faculty, visitors, guests, vendors, contractors, 其他人可以学习, work, 和/或在没有歧视的情况下重新创造, harassment, intimidation, and bullying in all programs and activities of the institution, 符合大学政策, 以及相关法律.


“我想改变语言的动态, 听力和语言教育和职业——让所有种族和民族背景的人都知道他们可以成为其中的一部分。”

了解更多关于Dawn Bookhardt J.D., and her transformative donation to MSU Denver here

Adult Services

We provide comprehensive treatment for adults with acquired speech, language, voice, fluency or swallowing disorders or communication differences. All services are free of charge and no insurance is required.  

皇冠官网网站的服务非常适合那些没有语言或吞咽治疗保险的人. You can also add our services onto therapies you are receiving elsewhere. If you have never worked with a speech-language therapist before, that’s OK too. We can do a full evaluation and create a treatment plan with you.  

作为皇冠官网网站诊所的成年客户, you will work closely with your graduate clinician to create your goals. 皇冠官网网站的治疗计划是个性化的,所以皇冠官网网站会把你的家人或照顾者和你的兴趣纳入到你的疗程中.  


皇冠官网网站为从出生到18岁的发育性或后天语言障碍儿童提供全面的治疗, language, voice, 以及流利障碍或差异. All services are free of charge and no insurance is required.  

皇冠官网网站的服务非常适合那些没有语言或吞咽治疗保险的人. 您还可以将皇冠官网网站的服务添加到您在学校或私人诊所等其他地方接受的治疗中. If you have never worked with a speech-language therapist before, that’s OK too. We can do a full evaluation and create a treatment plan with you.  

皇冠官网网站的毕业生临床医生将与您的家人密切合作,为您的孩子制定目标,包括他们的兴趣和偏好.  皇冠官网网站的治疗方案是个性化的,所以皇冠官网网站会确保皇冠官网网站所做的事情能帮助你的孩子在日常生活中提高他们的沟通能力.  


全面的评估: Our students use a combination of standardized assessments, 非正式的评估, and dynamic assessments to help identify your communication needs. 你将与研究生临床医生一起制定你的目标,并确定实现目标的方法 lead to 改善你的整体沟通.  


All services can be offered in English or Spanish, or a bilingual approach using both languages simultaneously. Graduate clinicians providing these services are part of our bilingual specialization. 他们接受额外的课程从事与双语语言发展和提供双语服务直接相关的工作. Supervising SLPs are also bilingual English/Spanish speakers. 


Contact Us

Bookhardt Family Speech-Language Clinic at MSU Denver is here for you!



Questions about the Bookhardt Family Speech-Language Clinic? 给皇冠官网网站发邮件或打电话!



Bookhardt Family Speech-Language Clinic TEMPORARY Locations:


Tivoli (TV) 310